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{# Rating (used for Guest and room Numbers) #}
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<script src="{{ asset('js/pages/ox-rating.js') }}"></script>
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{#- CHILD Management in SEARCH BAR -#}
{% include "appParts/childFormJs.html.twig" %}
<script src="{{ asset('js/custom.js') }}"></script>
$('#ModalQuoteName').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) {
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let quoteNameLabel = $('#quote-name');
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} else {
}).fail(function (data) {
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dataType: 'json',
data: $(this).data(),
.done(function (data) {
var quoteTotal = 0;
data.itemInCart.forEach(function (item) {
priceLine = '<p class="m-b-0 text-nowrap"><span class="text-muted f-12">{% trans %}Taxes{% endtrans %}: </span><span class="f-14 text-dark">$' + Math.round(item.newTotalTax * 100) / 100 + '</span>';
priceLine += ' - <span class="text-muted f-12">{% trans %}Fees{% endtrans %}: </span><span class="f-14 text-nowrap text-dark">$' + Math.round(item.newFee * 100) / 100 + '</span></p>';
priceLine += '<p class="m-b-0 text-primary"><span class="text-muted f-12">{% trans %}Total{% endtrans %}: </span>';
priceLine += '<span class="f-w-900 f-14 text-primary">$<span class="sub-total">' + (Math.round(item.newPrice * 100) / 100).toLocaleString('en-GB', {minimumFractionDigits: 2}) + '</span></span></p>';
quoteTotal += Number(item.newPrice);
if (item.newPrice == 0) {
$('#' + item.itemId).find('#not-available').slideDown('slow');
} else {
$('#' + item.itemId).find('.prices').html(priceLine).slideDown('slow');
$('#quote-total').text((Math.round(quoteTotal * 100) / 100).toLocaleString('en-GB', {minimumFractionDigits: 2}));
start = new Date();
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heading: '{% trans %}CONNECTION ISSUE{% endtrans %}',
text: '{% trans %}Please check your internet connection and try later{% endtrans %}',
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icon: 'warning',
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stack: 6
// =========== TIMER ===========
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{# $.toast({ #}
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{# icon: "warning", #}
{# buttons: ['Cancel', 'Yes'], #}
{# dangerMode: true, #}
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{# console.log(data); #}
{# $.toast({ #}
{# heading: '{% trans %}CONNECTION ISSUE{% endtrans %}', #}
{# text: '{% trans %}Please check your internet connection and try later{% endtrans %}', #}
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type: 'GET',
url: '{{ path('home') }}',/*trip.save_for_later*/
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data: {idQuote: idQuote},
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$('#quote-name').html("{% trans %}empty{% endtrans %}");
heading: '{% trans %}Trip has been saved{% endtrans %}',
text: '{% trans %}It can be accessed in the Trip Folder{% endtrans %}',
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text: '{% trans %}Please check your internet connection and try later{% endtrans %}',
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icon: 'warning',
hideAfter: 4000,
stack: 6
var displayingMessage = -1;
function getLoadingMessage() {
loadingMsgs = [{
'time': 8000,
'msg': 'There are 61,000 people in the air over the US at any given moment of any given day.'
{'time': 8000, 'msg': 'Honolulu is the only place in the U.S. that has a royal palace.'},
{'time': 8000, 'msg': 'With more than 3 million lakes, Canada has the most lakes in the world.'},
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The longest flight in the world is from Sydney to Dallas. It lasts around 16 hours and covers approximately 8,500 miles.'
'time': 9000,
'msg': 'Traveling is good reason to meet new people and establish friendly relations with foreigners.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'If you want to spend a night in all of Las Vegas’ hotels, it would take you almost three hundred years to do it.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The Finger Lakes area in New York is the largest wine producing region in the United States, besides California.'
{'time': 10000, 'msg': 'Deer in the Florida Keys are about the size of collie dogs.'},
{'time': 9000, 'msg': 'Key West is closer to Havana than to Miami.'},
{'time': 10000, 'msg': 'New York City is actually further south than Rome is.'},
{'time': 10000, 'msg': 'The city of Monaco is smaller in size than Central Park in New York City'},
'time': 12000,
'msg': 'The largest human migration in America occurs annually at Thanksgiving, with nearly 51 million traveling home for the holidays.'
{'time': 9000, 'msg': 'California has more people than all of Canada.'},
'time': 12000,
'msg': 'St. Augustine was the first city in America. Therefore making it the oldest city in the United States, founded by the Spanish in 1565.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Australia is wider than the moon.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The Florida Everglades are the only place on the planet where crocodiles and alligators live together.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Panama is the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise on the Pacific and set on the Atlantic.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The entire world\'s population could fit inside Los Angeles if everyone stood shoulder to shoulder.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Surfing was introduced to the U.S. mainland in 1885, when three visiting Hawaiian princes paddled into the waves off Santa Cruz\'s Main Beach.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'No spot in Central America is further than 125 miles (200 kilometers) from the ocean.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The whole of China operates on Beijing time, even though the country covers five time zones.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The shortest international commercial flight is a 15 minute trip from Sint Maarten to Anguilla.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Continents shift at about the same rate as your fingernails grow.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Gravity in the Hudson Bay area of Canada is lower than in the rest of the world.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The UK has almost three times the population of Australia.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The northern hemisphere is home to 90% of the world’s population.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The Spanish national anthem has no words.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'In Drachten, a town in Holland, there are 50,000 residents and zero traffic lights.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Every sixty seconds, more than thirty thousand tons of water will go over the Niagara Falls.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Japan has the world\'s oldest hotel that\'s been in operations for 1,300 years, which has stayed in the same family for 52 generations.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Michigan has over 300 waterfalls and more coastline than California, thanks to the great lakes.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'La Paz, Bolivia is the highest capital city in the world.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'More than one-third of the world’s airports are in the United States of America.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Angel Falls in Venezuela is the world\'s highest uninterrupted waterfall.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Australia has over 10,000 beaches.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Bulgaria is the only country in Europe that hasn\'t changed it\'s name since it was first created.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'In a nation known for its winter, Calgary, Alberta averages 333 sunny days a year.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Sweden has over 220,000 islands (more than anywhere else in the world).'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Many sections of the Great Wall Of China are held together by a paste of sticky rice flour and slaked lime.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The country with the most time zones is France, thanks to its overseas territories. France uses 12 time zones.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Russia shares a border with 14 countries, No other country has as many borders.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Dubai’s artificial Palm Islands use enough sand to fill 2.5 Empire State buildings.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Everyday, 3,000 euros worth of coins are thrown into the Trevi Fountain in Rome - and then donated to charity.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Two-thirds of the world’s eggplant is grown in New Jersey.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The Grand Canyon creates its own weather due to its elevation.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'In the Caribbean, there are oysters that can climb trees.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The city of Portland, Oregon was named after a coin toss. Heads for Portland and tails for Boston.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'There is enough fuel in a full tank of a jumbo jet to drive an average car around the world four times.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Peru has more pyramids than Egypt.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Holland\'s famous tulips originated in Turkey.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'There\'s a city called Rome on each of the five continents.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Estonia has the cleanest air in the world.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Istanbul, Turkey is the only city built on two continents.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Only 5% of the world’s population has ever been on an airplane.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Greek is the oldest written language still in existence.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The largest cave in the world is in Han Son Doong, Vietnam and has its own climate, jungle, and river. It is so massive that clouds form inside.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'There\'s a giant limestone wall in Bolivia that has over 5,000 dinosaur footprints on it.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Indonesia\'s volcano, Kawah Ijen, spews blue lava.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The oldest living organism in the world is "Pando” in Utah. It looks like a forest, but it\'s actually one tree spread across 100 acres.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'New York City is built on an ancient mountain range so old that it has eroded away entirely. Skyscrapers stand where the mountains once stood.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'There are secret poems written on Boston\'s sidewalks that are only visible when it rains.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'There are enough restaurants in New York City for one person to eat out every night for 54 years and never visit the same place twice.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The soft soil that causes the Leaning Tower of Pisa to tilt has protected it from at least 4 strong earthquakes.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The pink cherry blossom trees in Washington D.C were a gift from Japan in 1912, as a symbol of friendship.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The tallest tree and the oldest tree in the world are located in California.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'An Egyptian city named Thonis was discovered underwater in 2013 after being lost for 1,200 years in the Mediterranean sea.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The Pacific ocean is larger than all of the land on Earth.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Every day, people in the UK drink 164 million cups of tea.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'There are more chickens than humans in the UK.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'About one fourth of the Netherlands lies below sea level.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Moisture from the Amazon falls as far away as Texas.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'If you drive south from Detroit, Michigan, you\'ll reach Canada.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Brazil is home to the largest Japanese population outside Japan.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'DFW Airport is larger than Manhattan.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The West Edmonton Mall in Canada has the largest parking spot in the world (20,000 spaces).'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Walt Disney World\'s property is the same size as San Francisco.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'Due to the bulge at the equator, the peak of Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador is the closest point on earth to the moon (not Mount Everest).'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'The population of Texas is larger than the entire population of Australia.'
'time': 10000,
'msg': 'There are 45 million motorcycles in Vietnam (almost as many as the entire population of Canada).'
'time': 10000,
'msg': '“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” — Ibn Battuta'
'time': 10000,
'msg': '“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”—Lao Tzu'
position = Math.floor(Math.random() * loadingMsgs.length);
if (displayingMessage != position) {
displayingMessage = position;
} else {
displayingMessage = position < loadingMsgs.length ? position + 1 : 0;
loadingMsgs[displayingMessage].msg = "<p class='loading-message'>" + loadingMsgs[displayingMessage].msg + "</p><div class='sk-spinner sk-spinner-double-bounce'><div class='sk-double-bounce1'></div><div class='sk-double-bounce2'></div></div>";
return loadingMsgs[displayingMessage];
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var preloader = $('.pg-loading-screen');
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const loadingScreenFunction = async () => {
let loadingMessage = getLoadingMessage();
{% set websiteLogo = 'img/logo/overseas-xpress-logo-horizontal.png' %}
{% if app.session.get("customerAccountDomain") %}
{% set customerAccountDomain = app.session.get("customerAccountDomain") %}
{% set websiteLogo = 'uploads/customerAccountLogo/logoWebsite/' ~ customerAccountDomain.getWebsiteLogo() %}
{% endif %}
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logo: "{{ asset(websiteLogo) }}",
backgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 255, 255, 1)',
loadingHtml: loadingMessage.msg,
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while (i < 10) {
await delay(loadingMessage.time);
loadingMessage = getLoadingMessage();
const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
$('body').on('click', '.booknow', function () {
$(document).on('submit', '#searchbar .hotel__results .refinements__search form', function () {
$(document).on('submit', '#searchHotelModal', function () {
$(document).ready(function () {
$(document).on('submit', '#carRentalForm', function () {
{#- DATE Picker -#}
let checkIn = {% if checkIn is defined and checkIn %} new Date("{{ checkIn }}T00:12:00") {% else %} moment().add(7, 'days') {% endif %} ;
let checkOut = {% if checkOut is defined and checkOut %} new Date("{{ checkOut }}T00:12:00") {% else %} moment().add(10, 'days'){% endif %} ;
<script src="{{ asset('js/pages/ox-datepicker.js') }}"></script>
$(window).ready(function () {
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if (event.keyCode == 13) {
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source: function (request, response) {
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source: function (request, response) {
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success: function (data) {
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source: function (request, response) {
url: "{{ path('autocomplete_transfer') }}",
dataType: "json",
data: {
searchTerm: request.term
success: function (data) {
}, error: function (d) {
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